Take a look at our social media platforms and you’ll see plenty of pics of us and our clients.  One thing you wont see much of is the trainig that we do.  This varies significantly from a lot of personal trainers in Ascot, and the world over that matter. Why?  The answer is simple – we want our various platforms to show our product, not us.  At NK Fitness we take pride in offering an outstanding fitness expereince for our clients.  That’s the product, it’s not our fitness.

The Overweight Dietician?

Nobody wants a fat dietician.  An overweight chef, maybe.  Nutritionist surely not.  The same can be said of expert personal trainers in Ascot.  Therefore, being in good shape as a personal trainer is probably advisable.  It provides the first impressions to clients that you can ‘walk the walk’ and practice what you preach.  However, we feel that this is just one part of the effective personal trainer jigsaw, and certainly not the most important.  Look across the industry and it’s littered with PT’s who have taken this a little too far.  Their instagram accounts can look like a shrine to themselves.  The message is clear – “Train with me because I’m super fit“.


The Real product of personal training

Looking the part is necessary but not the most valuable part of the puzzle.  The key marker of success is how well can we improve client health, fitness and performance.  Doing this requires outstanding coaching and interpersonal skills.  Helping clients to realise their potential is about getting the best from them.  In order to do this clients also have to ‘buy in’ fully to what you’re doing with them – fitness knowledge, experience and commuication skills are critical to this.  At NK Fitness we offer clients a fitness experience by getting the very best out them every session.  That’s our value added.


If you’d like to heasr how we can help you realise your potential, contact us here.