We may not be able to be ‘masters of all trades. There’s nothing stopping us being very good at everything we choose to do. Expert Personal Trainer Fulham, Nathan Kelly talks through benefits of seeking coaching advice suitable for all budgets.
Last November I took advantage of a great offer. It was a discounted full membership of The Performance Room – a web based performance consultancy run by several leading sports and business psychologists. It’s a ‘one stop’ shop focussing on all things performance. Designed to help from sports and the boardroom through to simply dominating and feeling on top form for every day life. Co-Founder Dr Chris Shambrook has successfully worked with elite athletes from Team GB who have consistently delivered over the years within our Olympic Rowing programme. Have you noticed how they never disappoint on the biggest of stages? I was fortunate enough to be lectured by Chris during my Sports Science degree at the University of Brighton, so signing up was a no brainer. The guys at TPR know their stuff.
I like to think that I’ve always been someone who reflects on performance. If something is worth doing then it’s worth doing well, whether that goes for personal trainer Fulham, school,

sports, and being part of family! I did lose count long ago of the number of times that I’ve come up short of my own expectations. I have always tried to avoid making the same mistake twice – I’ve tried to be coachable to myself. However, in recent years with life becoming increasingly hectic I can no longer outwork people. I simply don’t have the time (or the energy after the bedtime run as any parent will know!). Therefore, I have to work smarter. To do this effectively I need to tap into the expertise of others and ‘plug the energy leaks’ from my weekly schedule.
An objective perspective
We can all benefit from having coaches and colleagues who challenge us. Our minds have a funny way of tricking us into a false sense of security as if to preserve our self-esteem and ego. They can tell us that we’ve done enough or the best that we can. Despite spending many hours researching training methods and designing strength and conditioning programmes for athletes as a Personal Trainer Fulham, I still need training partners. These are my ‘go to coaches’ that I can turn to for advice on my own programme. They tell me straight up what needs to be done and where I need to improve. My coaches do keep me honest and they do keep me improving.
I have several coaches when it comes to fitness training which is an area you would think I know a reasonable amount about. Why wouldn’t I seek out coaching when it comes to areas I know less about? For me, The Performance Room has numerous ‘Kit Bags’, self-help articles and information from all spheres of performance from around the world. Whatever, your budget there will be a fitness coach or personal training option out there. Whether it’s online coaching, a Boot Camp in Green park, small group training in Ascot or 1 to 1 personal training Fulham. Trial and error can be a very useful process but it can massively improved with the help of a coach.