Why is is that in the winter the general health of the human race gets sicker than it does in the summer? There is a number of different reasons why we get sick, one of them is the strength of your immune system. When your immune system is weak you are prone to viruses and the common cold. To strengthen your immune system, you have to increase the amount of vitamins and minerals in your diet. When getting sick, it is the bodies way of saying. I need to feed it some more healthy nutritious food. Feeding your body doesn’t cover up the symptoms you may have. It increases your chances of getting better quicker. Call it my equivalent to a multi-vitamin. To do this I use my nutri-bullet to make it quick and easy on the go. It means you can take it in the car or the train on the way to work.


In the nutri-bullet can go:

  • Spinach or kale at the bottom (vitamin A/C and Iron)
  • Banana (potassium and carbohydrates)
  • Summer fruits (Vitamin C and fibre)
  • Chis seeds (a number of different nutrients)
  • Hemp protein powder (Omega 3/6/9/GLA and source of protein)
  • Water (hydration)

I change these ingredients on a weekly basis to keep things interesting. I keep the same structure because I know it’s good for me. It tastes good and keeps my body in full health from a vitamin and mineral point of view.


When can you pre pair a nutri-bullet?

You can pre pair your drink straight after you get home from the gym. All you have to do is get the ingredients out to pack the bottle in the correct way, pour water over the top and process for a couple seconds.

If you want yours in the morning on the way to work you can do exactly the same process and store the bottle in the fridge over-night. Its then easy to process in the morning without the prep work. Easiest breakfast in the world with all you need in it.



No:1 Protein shake

  • 2 bananas
  • 2 tbsp of peanut butter
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 scoop of protein powder of your choice
  • 1 pint of milk to the max line


No:2 Green drink

  • 1 banana
  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • ¼ Cucumber
  • 1 tbsp hemp protein powder.
  • 2 oranges or if on the go orange juice/water to the max line


No:3 The tasty drink

  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • 5 medium strawberries
  • ½ a small mango
  • 1 tbsp Chia seeds
  • 1 tsp of honey
  • Water to the max line



Place the green vegetable at the bottom of the bottle then add the fruits on top. The dry ingredients go in next. Pour the liquids over the top of the other ingredients up to the max line. If you have any other liquid based foods to go in like honey this is the time to add them. Then process the content for a couple seconds.

Give these a go to see how it can change how you feel.