The festive season: what to do for fitness pre, present and post Christmas

As the festive season is slowly coming around the corner. I thought it would be a good idea to prep you guys with some great tips to stay in shape for the up and coming months. Over the Christmas period we all know that there is going to be lots of parties, eating, drinking and all round fun. Even though I don’t do these to the extreme. I’m going to assume that some people will and therefor need some tips to keep them on the straight an narrow. This will make sure that you don’t gain any excess and unwanted fat over this time.


As families take time off over this time to be with friends and family. Some will embark on long walks on the beaches, along the rivers and alone country paths to enjoy time together. Walking is great way to burn of those extra eaten calories and lets be honest everyone is going to eat a little bit more than usual. So if you go on a 30 minute walk every day this should help you with some fitness without knowing it.


If you workout all year round this isn’t the time to stop and not do anything. I know it’s a busy time of year and it can be hard to fit it in. However,  you can cut the time of your workout from an hour to 30-45 minutes or do it at home. The idea of this is to stay active throughout this time. You will be able to build an appetite for all the festive meals and party food you are going to eat.

Have an idea on what you’ve eaten and drank

If you’ve ever counted your calories on Christmas day it will either scare you or amaze you. In my opinion I love this time of year because of the food thats around. It gives me lots of fuel and recovery to get the best workouts in. On the other hand there are many people who wont be working out on Christmas day. Some people call me crazy for this, but I have a want to do it. If you’re one of the people you wont be working out it is a good idea to have an eye on what you eat. Know what limits your body has on the food and drink so that you don’t go over board every day.

Do something that doesn’t involve sitting inside

You have already established that walking is an option. There might be other activities that you might be interested in. You can go swimming, running, cycling, wake boarding, surfing, snowboarding, quad biking and many more. Knowing what everyone wants to do is hard and sometimes it can be hard to come up with a group decision. So you should have a couple options ready for everyone to enjoy. Some might want to go for a walk and others might want to go for a dip in the sea. All of these depend on where you are in the world. The point of the matter is that it is great for your endorphins to do something active especially when your just eaten lots.

Do all of the above

Pre, present and post festive season you want to be doing all of the above to keep yourself active and healthy. Some might be so stressed out over this time with things to do, that you will want to destress with some yoga or some calm time. All of the above advice I do every time a festive season comes around, therefor it should work for you. Your workout programme should be specifically tailored to you so the advice shall complement your training.

If all else fails

If you feel like this hasn’t worked for you or you didn’t take the advice. You may have gained a little bit of weight. Don’t panic, there is help out there. Personal training or a group workout is the best way forward post Christmas.  If you need some help contact NK Fitness for your free no obligation consultation.