The importance of ‘buy in’ for effective personal training
An effective relationship between personal trainer and client is not sytraight forward. It is also not a foregone conclusion that it will be good. Like many things it requires work.
An effective relationship between personal trainer and client is not sytraight forward. It is also not a foregone conclusion that it will be good. Like many things it requires work.
The world of high performance sport is moving forward. Therefore, so too is the world of strength and conditioning. Elite strength and conditioning coaches must keep themselves up to date
Fitness programmes are ten a penny. The online fitness community is booming. There is no shortage of workout options for all walks of life and to suit all budgets. Economical
At NK Fitness we specialise in developing talented youth athletes. They come to us via clubs, schools, parents and even off their own back in some cases. One common question
This blog is actually written with a girl in mind. A lady actually! Looking for a mobile personal trainer in Ascot, she stumbled across NK Fitness. She wanted to get
One massive bug bear of mine, second only to seeing a trainer on their mobile phone during a session, is when personal trainers talk too much about themselves. I've often
It is completely natural to focus our attention on performance and compare it to others. How much can we lift, how fast can we do something, or how long can
As a highly experienced strength and conditioning coach one of the first things we tell athletes is that S&C isnt rocket science. Athletes that perform on their feet often require
AscotAt NK Fitness we very recently employed our first apprentice. One of the very first conversations with them centred around the skills that we were looking to see them develop.