Adaptation is key in personal training
Social restrictions are being lifted in the UK. Many areas of society are returning to some sembalnce of normality! This week gyms have re-opened too. It's great to be back
Social restrictions are being lifted in the UK. Many areas of society are returning to some sembalnce of normality! This week gyms have re-opened too. It's great to be back
The free personal training consultation. It is nothing new. Nor is it exclusive! However, the consultation process is a crucial part of a personal trainer's role. The consultation forms represents
Personal training should be exactly what it says on the tin. Personal. No two sessions should be the same, no one size fits all and no cookie cutter programs. At
Last week we turned down a client that wanted ten sessions per week! If you work in the fitness business, are a personal trainer or S&C coach, then you will
The British government are allowing personal trainers back to work. Great news on many levels. For the mobile personal trainer that works one to one with clients, its brilliant. We
The British government have relaxed the Covid-19 restrictions. Brits are now allowed to play sports such as golf and tennis. Every summer, many of us hit the outdoor courts to
Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. The link between warm ups, preparation and performance. Surely only athletes that need to worry about it? Not necessarily. Here, lead strength and conditioning
If you play football then you will have a good idea of how it feels. But just how much work is performed? Many consider football to be the most unpredictable
The British Government have suggested that we are winning our fight against Coronavirus. With it, may come an end to isolation, and thoughts turn to a return to work. Prolonged