Medicine: movement and healthy food is medicine for the body
Medicine: movement and healthy food is medicine for the body As modern humans you are always looking for the easy way. We don't give our bodies the chance to get stronger
Medicine: movement and healthy food is medicine for the body As modern humans you are always looking for the easy way. We don't give our bodies the chance to get stronger
Motivation for better wellbeing as you mature and being aware of the implications of your lifestyle As you mature there are somethings that you can't avoid but they can be delayed
Despite being a well established Ascot personal trainer I cannot influence the fitness industry. No individual can control technology and social media, regardless of it's severely distorted representation of health
Food Intake: How much of each food do you have to eat to get the right Vitamins? You might be thinking you eat a reasonably balanced diet with all the right
Training young: What can you start to do in the gym at a young age? When you start training young there are a number of things that say you can't. For
The young athlete will experience plenty of failure during their lifetime. In fact, failure is an important part of the development for a young athlete. So whilst recognising that it
Accessory work: the importance of adding it to your main workout If you've been going to the gym for a while and set your workouts out like an athlete then you'll
The introverted lifter: Leave me alone I'm trying to get my workout in When you're at the gym you encounter lots of different people, one could be the introverted lifter. Some
What will your training programme look like when you are 120 years old? It's a great question. I recently reached out to Anders Varner, a highly experienced S+C coach and